Getting Pregnant Month 1 - First Try

it all started in june. we have been talking about getting an addition in our family long before this and we actually planned to have a july baby next year. that would mean we would have to do the necessary by september.

however a wind of change came upon us on that fateful month whereby we just knew that it is time to go for it.

so the journey (back dated) started on the 9th of june. i think that was my first day of period. so i would have to wait about 10 to 15 days after that of which this is the time where i am most fertile. unfortunately the decision to go for it came on the 17th day. what the heck we just tried and hopefully something fruitful would come out of it. according to the experts, i would have to wait about 14 days after that and then test whether i am pregnant or not.

around the 2nd week of july i did a test. it turned out to be negative. i still had hope cos i still did not get my period. there was no spotting or bleeding as well. i did another test on the 17th hoping that i would have good news to tell my family before we went for our terengganu trip. and still only one lonely pink line. shucks. but still no period. i did have some nauseous spells on and off, but i brushed it off as it could be anything. and my third test was on the 23rd. still negative, and there were traces of blood. it was too late already to have much hope but i googled 'bleeding during pregnancy' and this is what i got from :

"Implantation. You may notice a small amount of vaginal bleeding very early in pregnancy, about 10 to 14 days after fertilization. This "implantation bleeding" happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of your uterus. It's usually earlier, spottier and lighter in color than a normal menstrual period, and it doesn't last long. Some women mistake this light bleeding for a period and don't realize they're pregnant".

this fact was the only thing that kept me going. i knew that it was a long shot so i prepared hubby for it. and even though i know that it is still possible, there was that tinge of doubt as well.

the last few days prior to the charity visit weekend was tiring and exhausting. i was running around trying to get everything organised especially on that friday evening. since we had only one car as hubby's car was in the workshop i had to wait for him to come back from work at 4pm then i could go out and buy the things that i needed. right up to that saturday night, i really had lack of sleep and as proof on that saturday itself i had a horrible headache of which i got rid off with 2 panadols.

sunday was eventless except that we skipped church as i slept until 1pm. in the evening hubby had his normal football match. but come monday, which was a devastation for me. i had a full blown 'visit' from my monthly visitor. all hopes were dashed. i am not pregnant. i think my period was irregular this month because of the anxiety of wanting so much to get pregnant and the stress i had with the charity visit planning. gosh. it was a pretty sad day for me. i quickly mentioned to hubby that i had my period but i hid the dissapointment by telling him that we will do it right the next month. sigh...

what a roller coaster moment for us this month. everything went by so quickly and now it is 2 more days to august. i barely have time to write long posts like this or to even update my other 3 blogs.

but whatever it is Getting Pregnant Month 2 - Operation (R&R) Rest and Relax is in motion now. i will be watching my diet as well as hubby's and consuming lots and lots of good nutrients and vitamins. i think it happens naturally and we should not push for it. so just relax and let nature takes its course. i am sure we will be successful this time. Yiii peeee...


Shemah said...

Well, lets hope and pray that the three of you will be blessed with a little bundle of joy sometime soon! :)

LxndreaSB said...

i hope so too.. i think we just have to not expect it, maybe something will happen. ;P

Hazel said...

good luck to u.thanks for pay me a visit.hope to see u more often and exchange link with me..

LxndreaSB said...

hi hazel u r already listed in my main blog 'A New Beginning.'

Do visit

thanks for coming by and i hope to see more around here. dont worry i will drop by ur place as well!!
thanks again.

Rosilie said...

Linked you my friend.tnx for the see you around.

Ginny said...

I'm sorry, that is a roller coaster of emotions when you are trying & waiting like that!

If you aren't, make sure to start taking folic acid!

I'd love to exchange links, let me know what blog addy you want to link up! My email is in my profile :)

LxndreaSB said...

thanks rosilie. will definitely see u around. thanks for coming here..

LxndreaSB said...

hey ginny. thanks for coming here. please do link all of my blogs up, or whichever u might find interesting.
take care and god bless.

carolchs said...

u know also in a waiting game now. :|

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